The Dental Clinic

Best Veneers Dentist In Karachi (Pakistan)

How the Hollywood Smile Is Now In Your Reach!

A veneer means a layer of material placed on your tooth. Veneers can give you the perfect Hollywood smile that you have always wanted! It is possible for you to change the appearance of your smile with veneers. They are straightforward and minimally invasive to your teeth. They can literally change the shape, size, color and symmetry of your teeth to suit you best.

Veneers are very thin and natural-looking. They are made up of composite or porcelain which are both tooth colored and available in multiple shades to suit all skin tones.

If you are looking to change the appearance of your front teeth which may be chipped, crooked or you want to have the gaps between your teeth closed then veneers are a good option for you.

It gets even better:

Veneers are permanent and very durable. Also, they are difficult to stain! So, go ahead and sip on your favorite drinks without any worries.

If you don’t want to commit to braces, there’s good news

Veneers can even correct minor orthodontic problems!

If the topmost coat of your teeth is worn down by harsh brushing or acids from foods, then veneers are an excellent option for you.

Have a look at the added benefits of veneers:

  • Natural-looking: they are tailor-made to suit your teeth and your skin tone.
  • Pain-free: they are pain-free and require no downtime.
  • Stain-resistant: they are extremely resistant to stains so you don’t have to worry about discoloration at all.
  • Long-lasting: If treated with care and cleaned properly, your veneers will last you a lifetime.

How much do dental veneers cost in Pakistan?

Traditional composite veneers cost an average of Rs. 18,000 ($63) or more per tooth. However, premium veneers such as Zirconium veneers cost somewhere around Rs. 50,000 ($174.99) or more.

But if you’re looking for a temporary solution, then temporary veneers can cost you an average of Rs. 5000 ($17) at The Dental Clinic in Karachi.

Book an appointment and get dental veneers now!

Feel free to book a consultation and talk to your dentist about any other concerns you have regarding veneers. With minimal preparation and long-lasting treatment, getting that Hollywood smile is just a visit away!


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