The Dental Clinic

Best Tooth Extraction and Surgery Service In Karachi (Pakistan)

How to have your teeth extracted painlessly!

Many patients are extremely anxious while visiting a dentist. Even more so when they have to get their teeth extracted. With the right techniques and effective anesthesia, you absolutely do not need to worry about getting an extraction!

Tooth extraction means the removal of a tooth from your jaw.

Tooth extraction is a very common procedure and here’s what you need to know before getting one:

Why you might need a tooth extraction?

You might need a tooth extraction if:

  • You’ve had an injury
  • You had long term tooth decay
  • You have dental crowding
  • You have long term gum disease
  • You have a wisdom tooth that is not erupting normally

Your dentist may take an X-ray to confirm the degree of damage to your tooth. He will then decide if you will need an extraction.

What are the types of tooth extraction?

In a simple extraction, a tooth that is easily visible in the mouth is removed by your dentist. You will first get an injection of anesthesia after which your tooth will be removed with a sterilized instrument.

In a surgical extraction, a tooth that is not fully visible in the mouth is removed by a minor surgical procedure. This tooth may have broken at the gum line or is inside the bone of your jaw. Your dentist will make a small cut in your gum to remove the problematic tooth.

You may or may not be advised to take antibiotics before and after surgery. This depends on infection and any underlying medical conditions you might have.

Following your extraction, some aftercare is important. You will need to use the medicines prescribed by your doctor. You will also need to take soft and cool foods for the first few days after your tooth extraction. Avoid chewing from the site of extraction. You will also need to avoid spitting or using a straw after your surgery. Your extraction site will completely heal in about 1-2 weeks.

How much does tooth extraction cost in Pakistan?

The cost of tooth extraction can vary based on various factors such as the tooth’s location, complexity, and the method required for the treatment. Generally, a simple tooth extraction costs around Rs. 8000 ($28) per tooth. Surgical extractions have a price range of Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 19,000 ($52-$69) per tooth, or even higher.

The Dental Clinic offers wisdom tooth extractions in Karachi and all over Pakistan that cost somewhere between Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 25,000 ($35-$86) per tooth.

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