The Dental Clinic

Best Crowns, Bridges, and Dentures Treatment Service in Karachi (Pakistan)

Welcome to The Dental Clinic your trusted destination for comprehensive dental care and treatments. If you’re looking for high-quality crowns treatment in Karachi, you’ve come to the right place. Let us guide you through the process and explain how crowns, bridges, and dentures can restore your smile and oral health.

What are crowns?

Crowns commonly called caps or tooth coverings are custom made to fit your missing tooth

Space. They can be made up of gold, silver or metal alloys. They can also be made up of porcelain, acrylic or zirconia. Tooth colored porcelain crowns appear natural and will give you back the feel of your tooth.

Crowns can also be used if:

  • You’ve had a root canal on a tooth
  • You have a broken tooth
  • To support a large filling
  • To cover a discolored tooth

Crowns: Restoring Function and Aesthetics

Crowns, also known as caps or tooth coverings, are custom-made to fit your missing tooth space. They serve as a protective layer, restoring both the form and function of your natural tooth. At The Dental Clinic, we offer a range of crown options, including gold, silver, metal alloys, porcelain, acrylic, and zirconia. Our tooth-colored porcelain crowns are highly durable and blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a natural-looking result.

Crowns, bridges and dentures are a very important part of dentistry. If you have lost a tooth or several teeth, you need these. A simple visit to your dentist can help you replace your missing teeth.

Crowns, bridges and dentures can help you regain the structure and function of your lost teeth. They will help you chew and smile with ease and confidence.

Now, you might be wondering:

When are Crowns Recommended?

  • After a root canal treatment
  • For broken or severely damaged teeth
  • To support a large filling
  • To cover a discolored or misshapen tooth

How much a dental crown cost in Pakistan?

Here are the latest dental crown costs in Pakistan:


Metal crowns

Rs. 10,000 per tooth

Porcelain crown

Rs. 21,000 per tooth

Temporary Crown (Acrylic Jacket Crown)

Rs. 5000 per tooth

Zirconium/E-max Crown + Temporary Crown

Rs. 45,000

What are bridges?

Bridges are used to replace several missing teeth or a large space in your jaw that previously and teeth. Like crowns, bridges are also fixed. They hang onto the teeth surrounding the area where there is space. These teeth give support to the bridge. A bridge is fixed with the help of dental cement. They may also be held into place by screws or magnets. Like crowns bridges are also made up of metal, ceramic or acrylic on a metal framework.

What are dentures?

Gum disease, cavities or injury can cause loss of your natural teeth. Now, you don’t need to worry about losing function or confidence or looking aged because dentures are to the rescue! Dentures are comfortable and natural and help you gain your lost self-esteem. Dentures can either be complete for both upper and lower jaws. They can also be partial for a part of the jaw where teeth are missing.

Once you take an appointment and visit your dentist, you will have your tooth impression recorded and within 2-3 visits you can have your crowns, bridges or dentures provided to you easily!

Visit The Dental Clinic for Personalized Treatment, we understand the importance of individualized care and attention. When you schedule an appointment with us, our experienced team will take precise tooth impressions and work closely with you to determine the best treatment plan for your specific requirements. With our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities, we can provide you with exceptional crowns, bridges, or dentures within 2-3 visits.

before DENTURE 1600x738AFTER DENTURE 1600x738

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